
慢速英语 | 特朗普大厦着火造成两人受伤

2018-01-14 原著共读



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Two people were injured in a brief early-morning fire at Trump Tower in New York City.

The New York Fire Department said Monday the fire was near the top of the tower.Smoke could be seen rising from the top of the 68-floor structure.

The tower was the main home of U.S. President Donald Trump before he took office nearly a year ago.

The president was in Washington, D.C. at the time of the fire.

One firefighter was admitted to a hospital with minor injuries and a building worker received medical treatment at the scene, the Fire Department said.

Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons, said on Twitter that it was a small electrical fire in the cooling tower on the building’s roof.

“The New York Fire Department was here within minutes and did an incredible job,”said the younger Trump.“The men and women of the #FDNY are true heroes and deserve our most sincere thanks and praise!”

A Fire Department spokesman said the cause of the fire is under investigation.

The fire was reported shortly before 7 in the morning local time, about 1200 Universal Time (UTC), on the top floor of the building.The fire department said it was under control after an hour and 15 minutes.

I’m Jonathan Evans.

Two people were injured in a brief early-morning fire at Trump Tower in New York City.

The New York Fire Department said Monday the fire was near the top of the tower.Smoke could be seen rising from the top of the 68-floor structure.

The tower was the main home of U.S. President Donald Trump before he took office nearly a year ago.

The president was in Washington, D.C. at the time of the fire.

One firefighter was admitted to a hospital with minor injuries and a building worker received medical treatment at the scene, the Fire Department said.

Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons, said on Twitter that it was a small electrical fire in the cooling tower on the building’s roof.

“The New York Fire Department was here within minutes and did an incredible job,”said the younger Trump.“The men and women of the #FDNY are true heroes and deserve our most sincere thanks and praise!”

A Fire Department spokesman said the cause of the fire is under investigation.

The fire was reported shortly before 7 in the morning local time, about 1200 Universal Time (UTC), on the top floor of the building.The fire department said it was under control after an hour and 15 minutes.

I’m Jonathan Evans.

